mExamine Function Call

Function Arguments

/*                                                                       */
/*  mExamine                                                             */
/*                                                                       */
/*  Opens a FITS file (using the cfitsio library), finds the coordinates */
/*  on the sky of the corners (using the WCS library) and converts them  */
/*  to equatorial J2000 (using the coord library).                       */
/*                                                                       */
/*  Outputs these corners plus all the image projection information.     */
/*                                                                       */
/*   int    areaMode       We can examine the image in general (0:NONE)  */
/*                         a specific region with radius (1:AREA) or     */
/*                         perform aperture photometry out to a fixed    */
/*                         radius (2:APPHOT)                             */
/*                                                                       */
/*   char  *infile         FITS file to examine                          */
/*   int    hdu            Optional HDU offset for input file            */
/*                                                                       */
/*   int    plane3         If datacube, the plane index for dimension 3  */
/*   int    plane4         If datacube, the plane index for dimension 4  */
/*                                                                       */
/*   double ra             RA for region statistics                      */
/*   double dec            Dec for region statistics                     */
/*   double radius         Radius for region statistics                  */
/*                                                                       */
/*   int    locinpix       The coordinates are actually in pixels        */
/*   int    radinpix       The radius is actually in pixels              */
/*                                                                       */
/*   int    debug          Debugging output level                        */
/*                                                                       */

struct mExamineReturn * mExamine(int areaMode, char *infile, int hdu, int plane3, int plane4, 
                                 double ra, double dec, double radius, int locinpix, int radinpix, int debug)

Return Structure

struct mExamineReturn
   int    status;        // Return status (0: OK, 1:ERROR)
   char   msg [1024];    // Return message (for error return)
   char   json[4096];    // Return parameters as JSON string
   char   proj  [32];    // Image projection.   
   char   csys  [16];    // Coordinate system.   
   double equinox;       // Coordinate system equinox.
   int    naxis;         // Number of axes.
   int    naxis1;        // First axis size.
   int    naxis2;        // Second axis size.
   int    naxis3;        // Third axis size (if it exists).
   int    naxis4;        // Fourth axis size (if it exists).
   double crval1;        // Axis 1 sky reference value.
   double crval2;        // Axis 2 sky reference value.
   double crpix1;        // Axis 1 reference pixel.
   double crpix2;        // Axis 2 reference pixel.
   double cdelt1;        // Axis 1 pixel scale.
   double cdelt2;        // Axis 2 pixel scale.
   double crota2;        // Image rotation on sky.
   double lonc;          // Longitude of the image center.
   double latc;          // Latitude of the image center.
   double ximgsize;      // Axis 1 size on the sky.
   double yimgsize;      // Axis 2 size on the sky.
   double rotequ;        // Rotation of image relative to Equatorial North
   double rac;           // RA of the image center.
   double decc;          // Dec of the image center.
   double ra1;           // RA of image corner 1
   double dec1;          // Dec of image corner 1
   double ra2;           // RA of image corner 2
   double dec2;          // Dec of image corner 2
   double ra3;           // RA of image corner 3
   double dec3;          // Dec of image corner 3
   double ra4;           // RA of image corner 4
   double dec4;          // Dec of image corner 4
   double radius;        // Radius of the examine radius (in degrees).
   double radpix;        // Radius of the examine radius (in pixels).
   int    npixel;        // Number of pixel in the examine area.
   double nnull;         // Number of null pixels in the examine area.
   double aveflux;       // Average flux.
   double rmsflux;       // RMS flux.
   double fluxref;       // Flux for center (reference) pixel.
   double sigmaref;      // Reference flux in units of RMS.
   double xref;          // Pixel X of reference.
   double yref;          // Pixel Y of reference.
   double raref;         // RA of reference.
   double decref;        // Dec of reference.
   double fluxmin;       // Flux of pixel with minimum value in examine area.
   double sigmamin;      // Min flux in units of RMS.
   double xmin;          // Pixel X of min.
   double ymin;          // Pixel Y of min.
   double ramin;         // RA of min pixel.
   double decmin;        // Dec of min pixel.
   double fluxmax;       // Flux of pixel with maximum value in examine area.
   double sigmamax;      // Max flux in units of RMS
   double xmax;          // Pixel X of max.
   double ymax;          // Pixel Y of max.
   double ramax;         // RA of max pixel.
   double decmax;        // Dec of m.n pixel.
   double totalflux;     // Aperture phtometry total flux.