mMakeImg Function Call

Function Arguments

/*                                                                                        */
/*  mMakeImg -- A point source image generation program                                   */
/*                                                                                        */
/*  A general output FITS image is defined and its pixels are then populated from a table */
/*  of point sources.  The source fluxes from the table are distributed based on a        */
/*  source-specific point-spread function.                                                */
/*                                                                                        */
/*   char*    *template_file Header template describing the image (and to be part of it). */
/*   char*    *output_file   Output FITS file.                                            */
/*   double    noise         Additive noise level.                                        */
/*   double    bg1           Background value for pixel (1,1).                            */
/*   double    bg2           Background value for pixel (NAXIS1, 1).                      */
/*   double    bg3           Background value for pixel (NAXIS1, NAXIS2).                 */
/*   double    bg4           Background value for pixel (1, NAXIS2).                      */
/*   char    **cat_file      Table file(s) with coordinates and source magnitudes.        */
/*   char    **colname       Magnitude column in cat_file.                                */
/*   double   *width         'PSF' (gaussian) width for catalog sources.                  */
/*   int       region        Use uniform brightness rather than gaussian drop-off.        */
/*   double   *refmag        Reference magnitude for scaling catalog sources.             */
/*   double   *tblEpoch      Epoch for coordinates in catalog table.                      */
/*   char    **image_file    Image metadata (four corners) tables (region fill).          */
/*   char     *arrayfile     ASCII file with pixel value array.                           */
/*   int       replace       Boolean: if true replace pixel values instead of adding      */
/*   int       debug         Debug level.                                                 */
/*                                                                                        */

struct mMakeImgReturn  *mMakeImg(char *template_file, char *output_file, double noise, double bg1, double bg2, double bg3, double bg4,
                                 int ncat, char **cat_file, char **colname, double *width, double *refmag, double *tblEpoch, int region,
                                 int nimage, char **image_file, char *arrayfile, int replace, int debugin)

Return Structure

struct mMakeImgReturn
   int    status;        // Return status (0: OK, 1:ERROR)
   char   msg [1024];    // Return message (for error return)
   char   json[4096];    // Return parameters as JSON string