mSubCube Function Call

Function Arguments

/*                                                                       */
/*  mSubimage                                                            */
/*                                                                       */
/*  This program subsets an input image around a location of interest    */
/*  and creates a new output image consisting of just those pixels.      */
/*  The location is defined by the RA,Dec (J2000) of the new center and  */
/*  the XY size in degrees of the area (X and Y) in the direction of     */
/*  the image axes, not Equatorial coordinates.                          */
/*                                                                       */
/*   int    mode           Processing mode. The two main modes are       */
/*                         0 (SKY) and 1 (PIX), corresponding to cutouts */
/*                         are in sky coordinate or pixel space. The two */
/*                         other modes are 3 (HDU) and 4 (SHRINK), where */
/*                         the region parameters are ignored and you get */
/*                         back either a single HDU or an image that has */
/*                         had all the blank border pixels removed.      */
/*                                                                       */
/*   char  *infile         Input FITS file                               */
/*   int    hdu            Optional HDU offset for input file            */
/*   char  *outfile        Subimage output FITS file                     */
/*                                                                       */
/*   double ra             RA of cutout center (or start X pixel in      */
/*                         PIX mode                                      */
/*   double dec            Dec of cutout center (or start Y pixel in     */
/*                         PIX mode                                      */
/*                                                                       */
/*   double xsize          X size in degrees (SKY mode) or pixels        */
/*                         (PIX mode)                                    */
/*   double ysize          Y size in degrees (SKY mode) or pixels        */
/*                         (PIX mode)                                    */
/*                                                                       */
/*   int    nowcs          Indicates that the image has no WCS info      */
/*                         (only makes sense in PIX mode)                */
/*                                                                       */
/*   char  *d3constraint   String describing the datacube third          */
/*                         dimension selection constraints               */
/*                                                                       */
/*   char  *d4constraint   String describing the datacube fourth         */
/*                         dimension selection constraints               */
/*                                                                       */
/*   int    debug          Debugging output level                        */
/*                                                                       */

struct mSubCubeReturn *mSubCube(int mode, char *infile, int hdu, char *outfile, double ra, double dec,
                                double xsize, double ysize, int nowcs, char *d3constraint, char *d4constraint, int debugin)

Return Structure

struct mSubCubeReturn
   int    status;        // Return status (0: OK, 1:ERROR)
   char   msg    [1024]; // Return message (for error return)
   char   json   [4096]; // Return parameters as JSON string
   char   content[1024]; // String giving an idea of output content (e.g., 'blank', 'flat', or 'normal'.   
   char   warning[1024]; // If warranted, warning message about CDELT, CRPIX, etc.   