mViewer Function Call

Function Arguments

/*                                                                           */
/*  mViewer                                                                  */
/*                                                                           */
/*  This program generates a JPEG image file from a FITS file (or a set      */
/*  of three FITS files in color).  A data range for each image can          */
/*  be defined and the data can be stretch by any power of the log()         */
/*  function (including zero: linear).  Pseudo-color color tables can        */
/*  be applied in single-image mode.                                         */
/*                                                                           */
/*  Scaled symbols (individually or for a catalog table), image outlines,    */
/*  and labels (individually or from a table) and coordinate grids can be    */
/*  overlaid on the image.  The details of the command syntax for this are   */
/*  too involved to document here.  See the mViewer documentation on-line    */
/*  or delivered with the Montage source.                                    */
/*                                                                           */
/*   int    mode           Type of the command string: 0 for argument list   */
/*                         and 1 for JSON.                                   */
/*                                                                           */
/*   char  *cmdstr         The command string (arguments or JSON)            */
/*                                                                           */
/*   char  *outFile        Output PNG/JPEG                                   */
/*   char  *outFmt         "png" or "jpeg"                                   */
/*                                                                           */
/*   int    debug          Debugging output level                            */
/*                                                                           */

struct mViewerReturn *mViewer(int mode, char *cmdstr, char *outFile, char *outFmt, int debugin)

Return Structure

struct mViewerReturn
   int     status;            // Return status (0: OK, 1:ERROR)
   char    msg [1024];        // Return message (for error return)
   char    json[4096];        // Return parameters as JSON string
   char    type[32];          // Whether the output is 'color' or 'grayscale'   
   int     nx;                // Width of the image in pixels
   int     ny;                // Height of the image in pixels
   double  grayminval;        // Minimum stretch data value (grayscale)
   double  grayminpercent;    // Percentile level in histogram for min stretch value (gray)
   double  grayminsigma;      // 'Sigma' level in histogram for min stretch value (gray)
   double  graymaxval;        // Maximum stretch data value (grayscale)
   double  graymaxpercent;    // Percentile level in histogram for min stretch value (gray)
   double  graymaxsigma;      // 'Sigma' level in histogram for min stretch value (gray)
   double  blueminval;        // Minimum stretch data value (color: blue image)
   double  blueminpercent;    // Percentile level in histogram for min stretch value (blue)
   double  blueminsigma;      // 'Sigma' level in histogram for min stretch value (blue)
   double  bluemaxval;        // Maximum stretch data value (color: blue image)
   double  bluemaxpercent;    // Percentile level in histogram for max stretch value (blue)
   double  bluemaxsigma;      // 'Sigma' level in histogram for min stretch value (blue)
   double  greenminval;       // Minimum stretch data value (color: green image)
   double  greenminpercent;   // Percentile level in histogram for min stretch value (green)
   double  greenminsigma;     // 'Sigma' level in histogram for min stretch value (green)
   double  greenmaxval;       // Maximum stretch data value (color: green image)
   double  greenmaxpercent;   // Percentile level in histogram for max stretch value (green)
   double  greenmaxsigma;     // 'Sigma' level in histogram for min stretch value (green)
   double  redminval;         // Minimum stretch data value (color: red image)
   double  redminpercent;     // Percentile level in histogram for min stretch value (red)
   double  redminsigma;       // 'Sigma' level in histogram for min stretch value (red)
   double  redmaxval;         // Maximum stretch data value (color: red image)
   double  redmaxpercent;     // Percentile level in histogram for max stretch value (red)
   double  redmaxsigma;       // 'Sigma' level in histogram for min stretch value (red)
   double  graydatamin;       // Minimum data value for grayscale image
   double  graydatamax;       // Maximum data value for grayscale image
   double  bdatamin;          // Minimum data value for blue image
   double  bdatamax;          // Maximum data value for blue image
   double  gdatamin;          // Minimum data value for green image
   double  gdatamax;          // Maximum data value for green image
   double  rdatamin;          // Minimum data value for red image
   double  rdatamax;          // Maximum data value for red image
   int     flipX;             // Boolean: whether the image X axis was flipped
   int     flipY;             // Boolean: whether the image Y axis was flipped
   int     colortable;        // Grayscale: pseudo-color lookup table index
   char    bunit[256];        // Flux units in data files (from BUNIT header keyword)   