This tutorial shows how to use the Montage module mViewer to create maps of the sky with (or without) an underlying image. While we use an all-sky example, any region, scale, and projection can be used (basically, if you can define the "FITS header" WCS for a region, you can make the map).
The primary role of mViewer is creating PNG visualizations of one, two, or three astronomical (FITS) images. It supports all WCS projections and a wide array of data stretching and color capabilities, some unique.
mViewer also has considerable graphics capabilities, primarily for adding overlays to images but there are occasions when the graphics become central, with the background image secondary. This tutorial focuses on one of those cases.
mViewer is a command-line tool (though it can be used in interactive visualization scenarios through Python and web GUIs). It can easily be embedded in pipelines and in conjunction with other Montage modules can provide adaptive support for building visualizations for presentation and reporting. mViewer overlay "commands" are actually a set of (repeatable) command-line directives, as will be illustrated here. The complete set of directives can be found in the mViewer documentation.
In the context of this tutorial, mViewer has directives that support the following:
"Steps" in the Process |
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Making the KELT coverage map above is actually a single command (which we show later) but we will build it up piece by piece to illustrate the inputs. The background is an all-sky image, which in this case is is a galactic dust map. The projection and size of the output PNG are derived from this image, though this can be finessed if all that is desired are the drawn overlays.
To this are added "overlays", one at a time, with any necessary setting of color, data coordinate system, and so on. For this image, these are the following:
Background Image |
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SIMPLE = T BITPIX = -64 NAXIS = 2 NAXIS1 = 1476 NAXIS2 = 738 CTYPE1 = 'RA---AIT' CTYPE2 = 'DEC--AIT' CRVAL1 = 180. CRVAL2 = 0. CRPIX1 = 738.5 CRPIX2 = 369.5 CDELT1 = -0.21972656 CDELT2 = 0.21972656 CROTA2 = 0.0 END
The background image we use here is an Aitoff all-sky infrared map made from the IRAS/ISSA and COBE/DIRBE 100 micron data as reprocessed by Schlegel et. al. This image was actually reprojected (using Montage) from a higher-resolution Galactic version made from the original data. The FITS header for the image we used above is show on the left.
The original image data can equally well be reprojected into any other WCS.
Coordinate Grid |
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mViewer -ct 1 \ -color "#808080" \ -grid equ j2000 \ -gray equatorial.fits -0.5s max gaussian-log \ -out KELT.png
The basic mViewer command to generate a reverse grayscale PNG of the fits file is described in more detail in the mViewer documentation. Here it has been augmented with two additional directives, one to set the overlay color and the second to draw an Equatorial J2000 grid.
This command could be given on one line; we use continuations here and below for clarity.
For overlays, the directives given mViewer are processed in command-line order and settings like color (and symbol size/shape and coordinate system) are "sticky": once set, they will be used for any subsequent directive where they would apply.
Colors can be given by name for the basics (like "red" and "gray" or can be given in hex triplet syntax, as here.
Kepler and K2 Footprints |
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mViewer -ct 1 \ -color "#808080" \ -grid equ j2000 \ -color red \ -imginfo k2_footprints.tbl \ -color red \ -imginfo kepler_footprint.tbl \ -gray equatorial.fits -0.5s max gaussian-log \ -out KELT.png
Image metadata tables contain either enough WCS information to fully characterize the outline or the four corners of each image as columns ra1,dec2 ... ra4,dec4. The Montage module mImglist can be used to generate such a list for a collection of images.
Here the input data for both Kepler and K2 templates come from tables the Kepler Project provides which have the same four-corner information and we can plot it just like we would image metadata.
KELT Fields |
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mViewer -ct 1 \ -color "#808080" \ -grid equ j2000 \ -colorcol color \ -imginfo KELT_fields.tbl \ -color red \ -imginfo k2_footprints.tbl \ -color red \ -imginfo kepler_footprint.tbl \ -gray equatorial.fits -0.5s max gaussian-log \ -out KELT.png
The KELT field data file also has four-corner information. Here, we let the file itself determine what colors will be used for which fields.
A color column can again contain a color name or a hex triplet. The file used is shown below.
| label| ra | dec | color | ra1 | dec1 | ra2 | dec2 | ra3 | dec3 | ra4 | dec4 | | char | double | double | char | double | double | double | double | double | double | double | double | KN01 1.50000000 31.6656 00b0b0 14.662264 18.419868 348.337736 18.419868 344.278874 43.136463 18.721126 43.136463 KN02 30.52009065 31.6656 00b0b0 43.682355 18.419868 17.357827 18.419868 13.298965 43.136463 47.741217 43.136463 KN03 59.54018131 31.6656 00b0b0 72.702445 18.419868 46.377917 18.419868 42.319055 43.136463 76.761307 43.136463 KN04 88.56027196 31.6656 00b0b0 101.722536 18.419868 75.398008 18.419868 71.339146 43.136463 105.781398 43.136463 KN05 117.58036261 31.6656 00b0b0 130.742627 18.419868 104.418099 18.419868 100.359237 43.136463 134.801489 43.136463 KN06 146.60045326 31.6656 00b0b0 159.762717 18.419868 133.438189 18.419868 129.379327 43.136463 163.821579 43.136463 KN07 175.62054392 31.6656 00b0b0 188.782808 18.419868 162.458280 18.419868 158.399418 43.136463 192.841670 43.136463 KN08 204.64063457 31.6656 00b0b0 217.802899 18.419868 191.478371 18.419868 187.419509 43.136463 221.861761 43.136463 KN09 233.66072522 31.6656 00b0b0 246.822989 18.419868 220.498461 18.419868 216.439599 43.136463 250.881851 43.136463 KN10 262.68081588 31.6656 00b0b0 275.843080 18.419868 249.518552 18.419868 245.459690 43.136463 279.901942 43.136463 KN11 291.70090653 31.6656 00b0b0 304.863171 18.419868 278.538643 18.419868 274.479781 43.136463 308.922033 43.136463 KN12 320.72099718 31.6656 00b0b0 333.883261 18.419868 307.558733 18.419868 303.499871 43.136463 337.942123 43.136463 KN13 349.74108783 31.6656 00b0b0 2.903352 18.419868 336.578824 18.419868 332.519962 43.136463 6.962214 43.136463 KS05 91.800 3.000 blue 104.454981 -9.550324 79.145019 -9.550324 78.850590 15.401451 104.749410 15.401451 KS06 114.900 3.000 blue 127.554981 -9.550324 102.245019 -9.550324 101.950590 15.401451 127.849410 15.401451 KS12 253.000 3.000 blue 265.654981 -9.550324 240.345019 -9.550324 240.050590 15.401451 265.949410 15.401451 KS13 276.000 3.000 blue 288.654981 -9.550324 263.345019 -9.550324 263.050590 15.401451 288.949410 15.401451 KS14 299.000 3.000 blue 311.654981 -9.550324 286.345019 -9.550324 286.050590 15.401451 311.949410 15.401451 KS17 0.000 -53.000 blue 28.344066 -62.931669 331.655934 -62.931669 343.840187 -39.081730 16.159813 -39.081730 KS18 23.000 -53.000 blue 51.344066 -62.931669 354.655934 -62.931669 6.840187 -39.081730 39.159813 -39.081730 KS19 46.000 -53.000 blue 74.344066 -62.931669 17.655934 -62.931669 29.840187 -39.081730 62.159813 -39.081730 KS20 69.000 -53.000 blue 97.344066 -62.931669 40.655934 -62.931669 52.840187 -39.081730 85.159813 -39.081730 KS21 91.800 -53.000 blue 120.144066 -62.931669 63.455934 -62.931669 75.640187 -39.081730 107.959813 -39.081730 KS22 138.000 -20.000 blue 152.745230 -31.916290 123.254770 -31.916290 125.426795 -7.045135 150.573205 -7.045135 KS23 161.000 -20.000 blue 175.745230 -31.916290 146.254770 -31.916290 148.426795 -7.045135 173.573205 -7.045135 KS24 184.000 -30.000 blue 200.777377 -41.543614 167.222623 -41.543614 170.957582 -16.797623 197.042418 -16.797623 KS25 207.000 -30.000 blue 223.777377 -41.543614 190.222623 -41.543614 193.957582 -16.797623 220.042418 -16.797623 KS26 230.000 -20.000 blue 244.745230 -31.916290 215.254770 -31.916290 217.426795 -7.045135 242.573205 -7.045135 KS27 299.000 -53.000 blue 327.344066 -62.931669 270.655934 -62.931669 282.840187 -39.081730 315.159813 -39.081730 KS28 322.000 -53.000 blue 350.344066 -62.931669 293.655934 -62.931669 305.840187 -39.081730 338.159813 -39.081730 KS29 345.000 -53.000 blue 13.344066 -62.931669 316.655934 -62.931669 328.840187 -39.081730 1.159813 -39.081730
KELT Field Labels |
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mViewer -ct 1 \ -color "#808080" \ -grid equ j2000 \ -colorcol color \ -imginfo KELT_fields.tbl \ -symbol none \ -labelcol label \ -catalog KELT_fields.tbl \ -color red \ -imginfo k2_footprints.tbl \ -color red \ -imginfo kepler_footprint.tbl \ -gray equatorial.fits -0.5s max gaussian-log \ -out KELT.png
To get labels, we return to the same KELT field list file. mViewer supports displaying a set of labeled symbols. Here we suppress the symbol and just get the labels. The coordinates and text come from the table. We can also specify where the label is placed relative to the "symbol" but haven't bothered here.
Putting It All Together |
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mViewer -ct 1 \ -color "#808080" \ -grid equ j2000 \ -colorcol color \ -imginfo KELT_fields.tbl \ -symbol none \ -labelcol label \ -catalog KELT_fields.tbl \ -color red \ -imginfo k2_footprints.tbl \ -color red \ -imginfo kepler_footprint.tbl \ -gray equatorial.fits -0.5s max gaussian-log \ -out KELT.png
Finally, here is the completed command-line to generate the image shown at the beginning.
The various data files used are available here.