- Description:
- mBgModel is a modelling/fitting program. It uses the image-to-image difference parameter table created by mFitExec to interactively determine a set of corrections to apply to each image in order to achieve a "best" global fit.
- Syntax:
- mBgModel [-i niter] [-l(evel-only)] [-d level] [-r refimg] [-s statusfile] images.tbl fits.tbl corrections.tbl
- -i -niter
- Number of iterations (without switch, defaults to 5000). Can be between 1 and 32767.
- -l
- Calculate level adjustments only (ie, don't attempt to match the slopes)
- -d level
- Turns on debugging to the specified level (1-3).
- -r refimg
- Turns on additional debugging for the nth image in images.tbl.
- -a
- Use all the input differences (by default we exclude very small overlap areas).
- -s statusfile
- mBgModel output and errors are written to statusfile instead of to stdout.
- images.tbl
- Image metadata table generated by mImgtbl.
- fits.tbl
- Plane fitting table generated by mFitExec.
- corrections.tbl
- Output table of background corrections
Return Codes:
- [struct stat="OK"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Usage: mBgModel [-i niter] [-l(evel-only)] [-d level] [-r refimg] [-s statusfile] images.tbl fits.tbl corrections.tbl"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Argument for -i (string) cannot be interpreted as an integer"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Number of iterations too small (niter). This parameter is normally around 5000."]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Argument for -r (string) cannot be interpreted as an integer"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Cannot open status file: statusfile"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Failed to open output filename"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Invalid image metadata file: filename"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Need columns: cntr nl ns crpix1 crpix2 in image info file"] (columns missing from image metadata table)
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="malloc() failed (ImgInfo)"] (Memory error)
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="realloc() failed (ImgInfo)"] (Memory error)
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Invalid background fit parameters file: filename"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Need columns: plus minus a b c crpix1 crpix2 xmin xmax ymin ymax xcenter ycenter npixel rms boxx boxy boxwidth boxheight boxang"] (columns missing from background parameter table)
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="malloc() failed (FitInfo)"] (Memory error)
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="realloc() failed (FitInfo)"] (Memory error)
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="malloc() failed (CorrInfo)"] (Memory error)
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="realloc() failed (CorrInfo)"] (Memory error)
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Debug reference image out of range (0 - n)"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Invalid fit type"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Allocation failure in ivector()"] (Memory error)
- Results:
- Output table containing corrections to be applied to each image.
After running mDiffExec to create a set of difference images in diffdir, we generate an image difference table using mFitExec: sample fits.tbl.
- $ mBgModel images.tbl fits.tbl corrections.tbl
- [struct stat="OK"]
This results in the creation of corrections.tbl.