- Description:
- Using the table of overlaps found by mOverlaps, mDiffFitExec runs both mDiff and mFitplane for each record. The fitting parameters are written to a file to be used by mBgModel.
- Syntax:
- mDiffFitExec [-d] [-l(evel-only)] [-n(o-areas)] [-p projdir] [-s statusfile]
diffs.tbl region.hdr diffdir fits.tbl
- -d
- Turns on debugging
- -l
- Only find image background level differences, not slope offsets.
- -p
- Directory containing projected images.
- -s statusfile
- Writes output message to statusfile instead of to stdout
- diffs.tbl
- Overlap table generated by mOverlaps, listing all the image pairs that overlap.
- region.hdr
- FITS header template that was used to reproject the images.
- diffdir
- Working directory for the difference images.
- fits.tbl
- Output table of difference paramaters.
- Results:
- Generates a table, fits.tbl, containing all the information generated by running mDiff for the image pairs in diffs.tbl and then mFitplane on each difference image. count is the number of overlaps in diffs.tbl, diff_failed is the number that generated an error condition for mDiff, fit_failed is the number that generated an error condition for mFitplane, and nwarning is the number that generated a warning.
First, diffs.tbl is generated for a collection of reprojected images using mOverlap:
- $ mDiffFitExec -d -p projected diffs.tbl gal.hdr diffs fits.tbl
- [struct stat="OK", count=6, diff_failed=0, fit_failed=0, warning=0]
Output file: fits.tbl.
Return Codes:
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Cannot open status file: statusfile"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Usage: mDiffFitExec [-d] [-l(evel-only)] [-n(o-areas)] [-p projdir] [-s statusfile] diffs.tbl template.hdr diffdir fits.tbl"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Can't open output file."]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Invalid diffs metadata file: diffsfile"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Need columns: cntr1 cntr2 plus minus diff"] (columns missing from differences table)
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="svc library error"]