
Using the table of overlaps found by mOverlaps, mDiffFitExec runs both mDiff and mFitplane for each record. The fitting parameters are written to a file to be used by mBgModel.
mDiffFitExec [-d] [-l(evel-only)] [-n(o-areas)] [-p projdir] [-s statusfile]
   diffs.tbl region.hdr diffdir fits.tbl


Turns on debugging
Only find image background level differences, not slope offsets.
Directory containing projected images.
-s statusfile
Writes output message to statusfile instead of to stdout


Overlap table generated by mOverlaps, listing all the image pairs that overlap.
FITS header template that was used to reproject the images.
Working directory for the difference images.
Output table of difference paramaters.
Generates a table, fits.tbl, containing all the information generated by running mDiff for the image pairs in diffs.tbl and then mFitplane on each difference image. count is the number of overlaps in diffs.tbl, diff_failed is the number that generated an error condition for mDiff, fit_failed is the number that generated an error condition for mFitplane, and nwarning is the number that generated a warning.


First, diffs.tbl is generated for a collection of reprojected images using mOverlap:

$ mDiffFitExec -d -p projected diffs.tbl gal.hdr diffs fits.tbl
[struct stat="OK", count=6, diff_failed=0, fit_failed=0, warning=0]

Output file: fits.tbl.

Return Codes:

  • [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Cannot open status file: statusfile"]
  • [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Usage: mDiffFitExec [-d] [-l(evel-only)] [-n(o-areas)] [-p projdir] [-s statusfile] diffs.tbl template.hdr diffdir fits.tbl"]
  • [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Can't open output file."]
  • [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Invalid diffs metadata file: diffsfile"]
  • [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Need columns: cntr1 cntr2 plus minus diff"] (columns missing from differences table)
  • [struct stat="ERROR", msg="svc library error"]