- Description:
- Runs mHdrWWT to create all the header template file needed for WWT TOAST tiles down to a specified level.
- Syntax:
- mHdrWWTExec [-d level] tileLevel hdrDir
- -d level
- Turns on debugging to the specified level
- tileLevel
- The depth to which the tiles are created. Level 0 is just produces the all-sky header, 1 is that plus the four main quadrants, etc.. Level 4 produces files like "tile3102.hdr".
- hdrDir
- Output directory for the header files.
- Results:
- The set of header files.
- $ mHdrWWTExec 4 hdrs
- [struct stat="OK", level=4, nheader=341]
Return Codes:
- [struct stat="OK", level=n, nheader=nheader]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Usage: mHdrWWTExec [-d lev] tileLevel hdrDir"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Problem creating output header directory."]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Problem with output header directory."]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="[hdrDir] is not a directory."]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="mHdrWWT error message"]