
Replaces the header of the input file with one supplied by the user.
mPutHdr [-d level] [-s statusfile] [-h hdu] in.fits out.fits hdr.template


Turns on debugging to the specified level (this version only supports level "1").
-s statusfile
Output and errors are sent to statusfile instead of to stdout
-h hdu
Write to the specified FITS extnension (HDU).


Input FITS file.
Path to output FITS file (with new header)
ASCII header template to write into out.fits.
[struct stat="OK"]
Creates FITS file out.fits which contains the same data as in.fits, but has the contents of template.hdr as its header in the specified extension (default 0, or primary extension). numlines is the number of FITS header lines found in the input header template.


After running mGetHdr to write the contents of a FITS header to a file, we can edit that file to make corrections (remove extraneous lines, add HISTORY lines, etc). Then, to write a file with the fixed header:

$ mPutHdr acs.fits acs_out.fits acs_fixed.hdr
[struct stat="OK"]

Return Codes:

  • [struct stat="OK"]
  • [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Usage: mGetHdr [-d level] [-s statusfile] [-h hdu] in.fits out.fits hdr.template"]
  • [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Cannot open status file: statusfile"]
  • [struct stat="ERROR", msg="HDU value (hdu) must be a non-negative integer"]
  • [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Not enough memory for output data image array."]
  • [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Input wcsinit() failed."]
  • [struct stat="ERROR", flag=n, msg="FITS library error"]
  • [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Usage: Image file filename missing or invalid FITS"]