- Description:
- Creates a subimage (or "cutout") of a FITS file. Note that in "normal" mode, all the parameters (location and size) are in degrees; in pixel (-p) mode, all of them are in pixels.
- Syntax:
- mSubCube [-d] [-D3 index-selection-string] [-D4 index-selection-string] [-a] [-h hdu] [-s statusfile] in.fits out.fits ra dec xsize [ysize]
- mSubCube -p [-d] [-D3 index-selection-string] [-D4 index-selection-string] [-h hdu] [-s statusfile] in.fits out.fits xstartpix ystartpix xpixsize [ypixsize]
- -d
- Turns on debugging.
- -D3
- This argument is a string (quoted if it contain spaces) defining the subset of indices desired. The string has the form of an ordered set of comma-separated values, which each value is either an index or a range of indices. For instance, "2, 4:46, 58, 101:120" would copy dimension three planes 2, 4 through 46, 58 and 101 through 120 to the output cube. Note that these numbers refer to indices in a FITS cube, so are one-offset, not zero. Attempts to go outside the available data result in an error.
- -D4
- The same sort of thing as -D3, but for the fourth dimension.
- -a
- All pixels - Force retrieval of whole image (useful to extract an entire HDU)
- -h hdu
- Operate on the specified FITS header extension (HDU)
- -s statusfile
- Output and errors are sent to statusfile instead of to stdout
- -p
- Pixel mode - create subimage using pixel locations, instead of a location on the sky
- in.fits
- Input FITS file.
- out.fits
- Path to output FITS file.
- ra
- In normal mode, RA of center of output image.
- dec
- In normal mode, declination of center of output image.
- xstartpix
- In pixel mode, pixel along the x-axis where the cutout image will begin
- ystartpix
- In pixel mode, pixel along the y-axis where the cutout image will begin
- xsize
- In normal mode, width of output image in degrees.
- ysize
- In normal mode, height of output image in degrees (default is equal to xsize.
- xpixsize
- In pixel mode, width of output image in pixels
- ypixsize
- In pixel mode, height of output image in pixels (default is equal to xpixsize
- Results:
- [struct stat="OK", content="blank, flat or normal"]
- The content keyword indicates whether all pixels where NaN (blank), all pixels were the same value (flat), or the image appears to be normal.
- $ mSubCube image1.fits subimage.fits 307.9 37.29 .01 .01
- [struct stat="OK", content="normal"]
Return Codes:
- [struct stat="OK", content="blank, flat or normal"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Usage: mSubCube [-d][-a(ll-pixels)] [-h hdu] [-s statusfile] ra dec xsize [ysize] | mSubCube -p [-d] [-h hdu] [-s statusfile] in.fits xstartpix ystartpix xpixsize [ypixsize]"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="HDU value (hdu) must be a non-negative integer"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Cannot open status file: statusfile"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Center RA string (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Center Dec string (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="X size string (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Y size string (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Invalid 'x' size"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Invalid 'y' size"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Image file filename missing or invalid FITS"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Cannot find HDU hdu"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Output wcsinit() failed."]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Location is off image"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Region outside image"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="No pixels match area."]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Can't create output file: out.fits"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", flag=n, msg="FITS library error"]