- Description:
- The mExec module is a mosaicking executive for 2MASS, SDSS, and DSS data. It includes remote data and metadata access. Alternatively, users can mosaic a set of data already on disk.
- Syntax:
- mExec [-q] [-r rawdir] [-n ntilex] [-m ntiley] [-l] [-k] [-c] [-o output.fits] [-d level] [-f region.hdr | -h header] survey band [workspace-dir]
- -q
- Use mProjectQL for reprojections. Much faster but not quite flux-conserving.
- -r rawdir
- Provide path to directory containing original ("raw") data which will be reprojected and mosaicked. Not necessary if using mExec to retrieve remote data from the 2MASS, SDSS or DSS surveys.
- -n ntilex
- Number of output tiles to create along the X-axis - default is 1 for a single mosaicked image.
- -m ntiley
- Number of output tiles to create along the Y-axis - default is equal to ntilex.
- -l
- "Level-only" flag (see mBgModel)
- -k
- If retrieving data from a remote archive, the "keep" flag will leave the original data products on disk after generating a mosaic. Without this flag, raw data will be deleted (unless it was provided by the user with the "-r" flag).
- -c
- Remove all temporary files and intermediate data products. Note: if not using the '-o' flag to specify an output file, this will also remove mosaic.fits.
- -o output.fits
- Provide your own filename for the output mosaic. Default filename is "mosaic.fits."
- -d level
- Print out additional debugging information (levels 1-4)
mExec must be provided with FITS header information. This can be in the form of a header template ("-f" flag), or the user can pass header text directly to the program ("-h" flag).
- -f region.hdr
- Path to header template used to create mosaic.
- -h header
- Provide header template as text input rather than point to a file; see sample shell script that makes use of this option.
- survey band
- If not mosaicking user-provided data ("-r" flag), must select one of the following combinations of survey and band:
- 2MASS [j, h, k]
- SDSS [u, g, r, i, z]
- workspace-dir
- Directory where intermediate files will be created. If no workspace is given, a unique local subdirectory will be created (e.g.; ./MOSAIC_AAAaa17v)
- Results:
- [struct stat="OK", workspace="workspace-dir"]
- The output mosaic(s), and any intermediate files (if the "-c" flag was not used) will be inside workspace-dir.
To create a small mosaic of the area around m31, located at coordinates "10.68469 41.26904":
- $ mHdr m31 0.3 m31.hdr
- [struct stat="OK", count="16"]
- $ mExec -o m31.fits -f m31.hdr 2MASS J tempdir
- [struct stat="OK", workspace="/path/to/tempdir"]
To mosaic your own collection of data, contained in the directory "raw":
- $ mImgtbl raw raw.tbl
- [struct stat="OK", count=16, badfits=0]
- $ mMakeHdr raw.tbl raw.hdr
- [struct stat="OK", count=16, clon=0.118289, clat=0.118288, lonsize=0.236660, latsize=0.236660, posang=359.999756, lon1=0.236618, lat1=-0.000042, lon2=359.999959, lat2=-0.000041, lon3=359.999959, lat3=0.236618, lon4=0.236620, lat4=0.236617]
- $ mExec -o my_mosaic.fits raw.hdr workdir
- [struct stat="OK", workspace="/path/to/workdir"]
Return Codes:
- [struct stat="OK", workspace="workdir"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Usage: mExec [-r rawdir] [-n ntilex] [-m ntiley] [-l(evel only)] [-k(eep all)] [-c(lean)] [-o output.fits] [-d(ebug) level] [-f region.hdr | -h header] survey band [workspace-dir]"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Must have either header file (-f) or header text (-h)"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Can't open original header template file: [region.hdr]"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Can't open workspace header template file: [region.hdr]"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Can't create proper subdirectories in workspace (may already exist)"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Can't open header template file"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Can't open expanded header file: [big_region.hdr]"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="survey has no data covering expanded area"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="survey has no data covering this area"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="No data was available for the region specified at this time"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Bad WCS in input image"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Can't open mosaic file: [mosaic.fits]"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Can't open save file: [image.fits]"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Output wcsinit() failed"]
- [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Error from another Montage module"]