Inside each mViewer instance is a "view" object (type mvView) which has no methods (other than the standard __str__ and __repr__ for casting the contents into text representations) but which contains all the information defining how the display should be rendered. Once you have created an mViewer object (e.g. as variable "viewer") the view object can be referenced as "viewer.view". Calling "print viewer.view" will print the contents of the structure, as shown below for the full color example.
One of the reasons for using the browser for display is that this gives us a highly-programmable environment (Javascript) for constructing additional GUI components. In the web service context we have pop-ups for interactive color stretching (sliders) and layer (overlay) controls and these could easily be added to this environment as well. More importantly, anyone wishing to use mViewer in a custom context can fairly easily modify the GUI code to include their own buttons, forms, and other controls.